IMAGIN is a minority-owned diversified media company focused on film, television and digital content creation and production, sports, and fashion. We are focused on bringing unique and innovative concepts to market, that can extend across platforms, creating a 360 degree experience for fans and consumers. At our core, everything we touch helps to define and move culture.


Panel 1


IMAGIN Media was founded in 2006 as a diversified media company focused on digital media, film, television, and apparel production. IMAGIN partners with creatives that wish to tell compelling stories through film, television and digital platforms Whether it’s an an apparel concept through its 215Gritty fashion brand, or a digital concept through IMAGIN Films & Television or an independent sports brand, such as Eightcount.TV, IMAGIN continually brings fresh ideas that draw an audience.

Founder, Akinwole “Aki” Garrett started producing films in 2006 alongside his brother, Be Garrett. The duo worked together to produce “A Nick in Time”, which premiered at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival and later played at the Tribeca Film Festival and Cannes Film Festival the same year. The film toured the United States and Europe throughout 2007 and 2008 and won awards at the Queens (NYC) International Film Festival (Best Short Film), Method Festival (Best Actor), and Moving Picture Magazine’s Best Short Film. Later, the film was chosen by NYU film professors and authors – David Irving and Peter Rea – to be profiled in their book, “Producing and Directing the Short Film & Video” (Focal Press, 2010)

In late 2011, IMAGIN teamed up with Be Garrett and Josh Liveright, as a senior producer on “American Falls”, starring Vincent D’Onofrio (Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Brooklyn’s Finest, Full Metal Jacket) as Detective Foster, in New York and Northern California. “American Falls” premiered in the Summer of 2013 in Los Angeles and New York City. American Falls was selected to over fifteen film festivals, including Toronto International Short Film Festival, Hollyshorts Film Festival and Langston Hughes African American Film Festival.

IMAGIN also created its first fashion imprint – 215Gritty. As a native of Philadelphia, Aki saw an opportunity to fuse the gritty nature of Philadelphia with classic urban wear, to create Philadelphia’s first true street wear brand. 215Gritty is poised to launch officially in the Spring of 2019.

Not stopping there, after being approached by a fellow digital executive, in 2017 with the concept for a boxing enthusiast site that differentiated itself through the use of in-depth statistical analysis and a quality user-experience, IMAGIN co-launched Eightcount.TV. Eightcount has been featured on Bleacher Report and across iHeart Media’s family of sites.


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